
Posts Tagged ‘MBA’

Hello Everyone! Thank you for visiting our blog. With many changes coming up in our future, we wanted to find a way to keep our family and friends updated on what is going on in our lives. With that being said, here is our first post:

After graduation, Adam’s internship offered him a position as an Athletics Assistant at the Midland Community Center. Adam was finally able to move out of Melanie’s parent’s house at the end of January and get his own apartment in Midland, Michigan very close to work (and by “his own apartment” we mean his own apartment that Melanie has decorated and spends a lot of time at as well…). This winter, Adam spent a lot of his time coaching the Midland Basketball Academy 6th Grade Boys Basketball Team with his co-worker TJ. The team got off to a rough start with a record of 0-8, but they were able to finish their season 7-2, which made Coach Adam very happy.

Melanie’s internship on the other hand, was not so generous. She has been continually searching for a job in her field, but has so far been unsuccessful. Melanie started working as a substitute teacher for Saginaw Township and Midland Public Schools, which has definitely been an adventure in itself. While she isn’t busy shaping the minds of future world leaders, she is continuing with her creativity and love for bead work. Melanie is currently working on a collection of home decor/kitchen items. She is decorating anything from serving utensils to glass plates and bowls, and hopes to be selling some pieces soon.

Wedding planning has also been keeping us pretty busy, but we are loving every second of it. There will be more details on that in our next post 🙂

Much Love,
Adam & Melanie

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