
Archive for June, 2012

Summer vacation is here at last! School is out and I can finally focus my attention on the fun list of to-do’s: finish wedding projects, write thank yous, run!, get a tan, ride my bike to st. charles, dream about our house, read!, endless pinning, and finally start making some money again.

Of course it wasn’t easy going back to school, but I was able to master the art of procrastination while at the same time acing my classes. And I don’t mean to brag or anything, (yeah right, that’s exactly what I’m doing) but I did receive this email from one of my professors after finishing the course:


“I have chosen six of you from this class to send an email to regarding my appreciation for the effort that you put forth in this past semester. It was my first semester teaching, and as such I am aware that I could have done things better and could have made the learning environment a bit more interactive and exciting. Despite that, the six of you demonstrated exceptional knowledge of the content provided in class and excelled throughout the semester on quizzes, exams, and papers. I know that the application process to the program is continuously changing and I do not know how many references or recommendations the selection committee requests of you upon application. Anyway, if for any reason you would like to write me in as a reference or would like to have me write you a letter of recommendation, based solely on your obvious knowledge, perparedness, reliability, and participation in this course, I would be happy to do that. Thank you again for your effort this semester, have a good summer, and good luck in your OT futures.”

Needless to say, I survived my first semester at SVSU and plan to return in the fall. Until then, I plan to appreciate every ounce of free time I get. I will relax and enjoy all the exciting things happening this summer, starting with a weekend on Walloon Lake with my favorite Iowan. That is of course, once I finish writing at least half of my thank-yous!

Much Love,

57 days!


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Yes, we realize we are nerds, but this is too exciting not to share. Our house is finally listed as “Under Contract” on the Michigan Board of Realtors website!! That’s right all you house hunters, you missed out on this fabulous find!

We don’t expect anyone else to find this as exciting as we do, so we apologize for such a pointless post today.

Much Love,
Adam & Melanie

58 days! 

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We sent out our wedding invitations yesterday!! A HuGE check off the to-do list, and it feels amazing!

Much Love,
Adam & Melanie

59 days! 

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We spent a beautiful weekend in Madison Heights at Adam’s parent’s house! His sister, Melissa, was home from Virginia, and it was great seeing her!

We arrived on Friday, and headed straight for Logan’s Roadhouse. After that, a lovely night of addressing invitations and drinking Italian wine ensued. Melissa also came bearing many gifts, both from Italy and for our birthdays! Italian wine, a shot glass, FlipIn Cornhole, and  a honeymoon fund jar that counts our money! Thank you Melissa!!

Saturday was a great day! We had our second Bridal Shower, and this time, Adam had to be there, as well as the groomsmen and the dads. It was great having most of the bridal party together one time before the wedding (We missed you Steve!) We also got a lot of great gifts and are so thankful for all of them! It was great seeing family and friends we don’t get to see often, and the open bar was pretty nice too! We even had a personal gift opener, our flower girl Jamie, so we hardly had to do any work.

After the shower, we headed back to the Muszynski’s for more food and spirits, and ended the night at Chili’s.

Sunday came and went too quickly, we finished addressing wedding invites and relaxed the rest of the evening. Melanie has learned to procrastinate school work once again. One more week of classes, a paper, and two finals to go, but hey… homework is for the weekdays right?

We hope everyone had a fabulous weekend as well! Can’t wait to post more pictures from the shower!

Much Love,
Adam & Melanie

60 days! 

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Wedding {Two Months!!}

We feel like we say this every month, but SERIOUSLY, where did JUNE go?! Another month has come and gone and we haven’t accomplished much on our to-do list. We can’t believe we are just two months from the wedding! Lots of work to do, but it’s finally starting to feel real!!

Much Love,
Adam & Melanie

61 days!

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We have been anxiously awaiting our wedding invitations for quite some time now, and they are finally here!

You’ll have to wait until the invitation is sitting in your mailbox to see how they turned out, no sneak peeks for you! Can’t wait to get these babies in the mail!!

Much Love,
Adam & Melanie

64 days! 


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We are veryyyy excited to announce, we almost have a house! Yes, we realize we already said that once, but now it’s official. Or at least as official as it can be at this point! All of the details with the inspection have been ironed out… finally… and we are almost ready to move in!

The appraisal has been paid, the bank has everything they need, and now we wait for closing. If all goes as planned, closing will be July 16th (or before… hopefully before!) and we will have the keys in our hands on July 26th!

Until then, we dream of all the fun things we want to do to the house… eventually! Adam is thinking new garage door, stove, new driveway, and shelving in the basement, you know… the practical stuff. Melanie on the other hand is thinking paint colors, craft area, and a mud room. She has also been searching on pinterest for a way to fake a mantle, since the DVD shelving is NOT going to cut it anymore.

We are also thinking brick patio with a fire pit, nice garden, fence, and an air conditioner, but those are all things that will have to wait until at least next summer.

Okay, okay! Here is another picture of the house, taken during inspection. That’s right, we didn’t need to creepily drive by to get this one!


Have we mentioned we are beyond ecstatic for this place?!

Happy Hump Day!!

Much Love,
Adam & Melanie

 65 days!


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Melanie had her first Bridal Shower on Saturday and it was fabulous! The shower was put on by her mom and sister, and they couldn’t have done a better job. It was located at Crumb’s Gourmet Cookie Cafe, the food was amazing, and so was the company! They did a great job decorating and making everything look cute. Thanks to Amy for taking the pictures, because otherwise we wouldn’t have any to show!

Lauren, Melanie, and Tonya (two of her four bridesmaids)

The Prize Table (didn’t they do a great job matching everything?)

The Food

About to open gifts!

We got so many wonderful gifts and we are so excited to move into our new house to put some of these things to good use! We will have to throw a house warming party so we can use our serving platters, wine glasses, and a signature drink with our new beverage dispenser!

Thank you to all that were able to attend, and for those that weren’t, you were missed. Melanie had such a blast and we can’t wait for our next one this Saturday!

Much Love,
Adam & Melanie

66 days!

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Sorry for our lack of posts last week! We both ended up with the flu, but of course on different days. Luckily, we both got over it in time for the weekend, and Melanie was even able to make it to her FIRST dress fitting!!

Friday, Adam was sick so he spent his day on the couch. Melanie worked on homework for the majority of the morning, but by noon it  was time for some shopping. She set out with her mom and sister in search of some cute brown wedges. She ended up with some brown wedges, and got a whole outfit to go along with them.

Saturday was the day of our first Bridal Shower! Melanie had so much fun and really enjoyed seeing everyone that was able to be there. We are very thankful for Melanie’s mom and sister who did all the preparations, and to Tonya who helped make things run smoothly (after being awake for 24 straight hours… we still don’t know how she does it!). Also, we are very grateful for all the lovely gifts we received! We are definitely ready to get into our a new house soon and put our serving trays and wine glasses to good use!

While Melanie was at the shower, Adam and the dads hit the golf course…surprise surprise. Adam was supposed to let one of the dads win (with it being Father’s Day and all) but nobody messes with him and his golf game.

Later on, we experienced Greek Fest for the first time. Of course it rained as soon as we got there, so we weren’t able to get the full experience, but Adam did enjoy the gyros!

Sunday, Father’s Day, consisted of Melanie working on her paper while Adam relaxed and watched sports. We headed to Melanie’s parent’s house and celebrated Father’s Day with T-Dog! KFC and a candy card… it doesn’t get much better than that.

Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful dads and grandpas out there, especially T-Dog, Joe Pappi, and Poncho who are so good to us!

We hope everyone had a terrific weekend!

Much Love,
Adam & Melanie

67 days! 

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It was a quiet Saturday morning of relaxing and studying, which in itself is very unusual lately. As we were getting ready to go for a run, there was a faint beeping noise, which Melanie insisted was a big truck backing up. When the beeping didn’t stop, Adam decided to investigate just to be safe. As soon as he opened the door, the beeping was loud and it became obvious it was the fire alarm. As we peeked down the hallway, there was smoke filling the stairwell.

In a panic, Adam dialed 911 while Melanie grabbed her most valuable possessions shouting “We need to get all of our stuff out of here, at least the important stuff! But everything is important! Just grab everything! Oh my god I’m still in my pajamas! I need to change! Nevermind we don’t have time!” Adam on the other hand, took his school fire drills very seriously and started remembering all the things you should do in a fire. He ran around the apartment shutting the windows and doors, turning off lights, and unplugging everything that was easily reachable while Melanie wished she could remember what she had on her list-of-things-to-grab-in-case-of-a-fire she had as a kid.

Since the beeping sound was so faint while in our actual apartment, we were the only residents to notice that there was a fire. We knew the fire was upstairs somewhere, so Adam took our floor and Melanie ran to the bottom floor banging on everyone’s door, trying to alert them of what was happening.

The police arrived right away. The fire department finally showed up after what felt like hours, but was really only a matter of minutes. It started with one and before we knew it, there were at least 4 fire trucks, 2 ambulances, and about 10 police cars filling the road. Everyone from surrounding buildings ran out of their homes in disbelief.

Once again, the 15 minutes it took to extinguish the fire felt like hours. Not knowing how severe the fire was or how fast it was spreading was the worst part. We sat outside wondering which of our belongings, if any, would be left after the fire. It was one of the scariest feelings we have ever felt.

After two hours, the fire department cleared us to go back inside, but warned everyone of the damage that could have been done to their apartments. A lot of apartments had water damage, either going through the walls, or coming down from the ceiling. We walked into our apartment expecting to see some signs of the fire whether it be water, ash, smoke, etc. However, we were very fortunate to be located where we are (down a floor and in the opposite corner of the burning unit) and had no damage whatsoever.

Four days later, the smell of the fire is still surrounding the building. The hallways have finally been cleaned, and things are looking back to normal. Every time we hear a beeping noise, we jump a mile and reach for the phone.

We are very thankful that God was watching over us to keep us safe! Also, we are very appreciative of the firefighters for their hard work in putting out the fire quickly!

And we were ready for a relaxing morning….


Have you ever experienced a fire? What would you grab if you found yourself in this situation?
We have decided you can never be too prepared! Be safe people!

Much Love,
Adam & Melanie

74 days!


You didn’t think we’d let you go without showing you the pictures of the damage did you? Here is the unit that was on fire. They say it started in the kitchen.

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